
کاربرد چوب ترمو

Thermowood market in Iran

Iranian thermowood products have been well known all over the world since for 2 years. MCA started thermowood production in 2017 in Iran and for


Thermowood must be stored in a dry place. Cold warehouse are among the suitable locations. the poduct should be carefully covered or stored in a



Strength of wood material in general has a strong correlation with density and thermoWood has slightly lower density after the treatment. Therefore،it is obvious that

مقاومت خمشی ترموود

Thermowood bending strength

Two methods for testing bending strength have been used،one using defect-free material over a short span and the other utilising pieces having natural defects over

تاریخچه چوب در معماری

اعطای نمایندگی رسمی مازند چوب آریا در استان اصفهان و استان فارس

مجموعه مازند چوب آریا آمادگی دارد به مجموعه های واجد شرایط و معتبر در اصفهان و شهر شیراز نمایندگی رسمی اعطا کند.