Concerning currency fluctuation within current years and difficulties in importing goods such as thermowood, the price of this product has increased 2 to 3 times more. Even, most sellers, quote the price in foreign currency and the only company who quotes the price in Rials and with reasonable rate is MCA Company. Unfortunately some profiteers take the opportunity of existing conditions and present wooden products as thermowood in the market, whereas such products are in some rural plants (mostly north of Iran) by burning two ends of ordinary wood and then painting and polishing them. The unexperienced customers are attracted to competitive price of such fake products and purchase them, being unaware of the fact that after a short while all physical and apparent defects and deformation will occur. This is an exact case of fraudulence which can be traced through legal authorities.
Some active companies in this field have also imported fake thermowood products from Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Estonia) and try to compete MCA in view of Finnish thermowood pricing.
There are some companies that announce harvested woods from Finland are of highest and distinctive features. While, Finland used to be a part of Russia and now is its neighbor. There are identical plants and jungles in both countries.
All esteemed purchasers are requested to contact our sales experts in MCA for making sure of thermowood products quality and even for visiting production line of MCA. We hope to be trustworthy and fulfil your selectivity.
The broad usage of wooden products, particularly thermowood caused local producers to make some processed products with non-standard methods. Such productions are not thermowood at all and it is completely wrong and forbidden to use the term “Thermowood” for such items. Thermowood production has a process and mechanism defined and executed by Finland ITWA, and is allowed only by ITWA technology. Importing thermowood products from various countries such as Estonia and Eastern Europe by some companies with unqualified features and low price as well as wrong nonstandard processing method has caused dissatisfaction among customers. Such a concerns and distrust has made us draw the readers’ kind attention to the following facts.
Regarding the quality of processed products the only standard for thermowood belongs to Finland ITWA at present. All subscribed representatives and producers of this association are capable of producing and supplying qualified standard products as regulations of this organization. In 2017, MazandChoob Arya (MCA) Company achieved this honor and obtained all necessary permissions and certificates for thermowood production. The name of MCA Co. as legal member and representative of ITWA can be observed in ITWA site. Therefore, customers concerns about our authenticity can be resolved at the time of purchasing.
Our wood resource for thermowood production is supplied from Russia with 25% of world wood resources being exported to most European countries, North Africa, China, Middle East and Iran. In the meantime, some companies announce than Finnish wood has the highest quality in world, and make profit. However, we should be aware of the fact that Finland was once a part of Russia not very long ago and plants of this 2 neighboring countries are completely the same. MCA has 20 years of experience in wood industry. it owns a wood harvesting and exploiting factory with the best and most advanced machinery in Arkhangelsk-Russia. This factory applies the latest techniques for wood cutting and drying kilns for Pine, Spruce. The wood is dispatched to MCA factory in Iran for production of highly qualified thermowood with Finland latest technology. All required means for optimal usage of processed wood, from wood exploitation to final product production, are provided by MCA.