SHP 19


– Simple profile or SHP-Size19

The most widely used profile in the building space and outdoor space is size 19, which is used in different widths for various designs. This is because size 19 profiles have the least limitations in the executive section, and as mentioned, the simplest way is to use thermo as SHP.



SHP 19 Coloring

This product has different colors and you can pay attention Choose the color code used on your product image according to your needs and use the color codes, and then contact our consultants to choose the type of color base (water or oil).
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تاریخچه چوب در معماری

اعطای نمایندگی رسمی مازند چوب آریا در استان اصفهان و استان فارس

مجموعه مازند چوب آریا آمادگی دارد به مجموعه های واجد شرایط و معتبر در اصفهان و شهر شیراز نمایندگی رسمی اعطا کند.